The Chapter’s Civic Engagement Team (CET) are shining a spotlight, and building a repository of profiles, that celebrate the dedicated AIA Central Valley members who positively influence the profession and their communities through advocacy and volunteerism. Kudos to these individuals for creating “inspiration through action.” We hope they will inspire YOU to serve!
Do you know of an AIA member worthy of recognition? Please contact the CET via the Chapter office: [email protected].

Dreyfuss + Blackford Architecture
How does your career trajectory include service to society and the profession, and what sustains your continued engagement?
My career has been driven by a deep desire to make an impact. As with most people drawn to architecture I was hooked by a very personal connection to two local architects at a very young age. These architects volunteered their time at my high school, and then gave me my first job in architecture many years later. This connection imparted two important principles in me that have remained touchstones throughout my career: Architecture is a profession of constant learning and the mentorship relationships you make in architecture will drive forward and you’re obligated to do the same for those that come after you.
Is there a specific incident/example/time that you felt your contributions made an impact and/or when your skills as an architect made a difference?
My skills as an architect are constantly helping me through life. I know there have been times when the unique problem solving and creative thinking skills have helped me while assisting community groups, and serving on the Woodland Planning Commission. Our ability to handle very complicated sets of information and come to clear resolution has allowed me to lead conversations, and get to resolutions that work for everybody.
Was there a specific person who “nudged” you to become involved?
I have been incredibly lucky to have so many mentors (many AIACV past presidents) through my time in the industry, all have nudged me toward my current place in the profession and all deserve credit, but If I’m speaking specifically of my involvement in the chapter, it would be Mike Novak, AIA. He called me one day as he was getting ready to leave the Emerging Professionals Director and ‘kindly’ nudged me to take over that spot, that was late 2014. In early 2016, I attended the installation of Mike Malinowski, FAIA as the AIACC president, if you remember the talk that day, it was all about ‘nudges’. Later that year, I started on my pathway to leadership within the Chapter.