Join hosts Kris Barkley, AIA, Amanda Green, AIA, and Saxon Sigerson, AIA for an evening discussion of iconic buildings of the last 25 years (the wonderful and not so wonderful). […]
2019 AXP Tours Recap
Throughout the year, our AXP Tour coordinators Felica Reyes, Assoc. AIA and Sugra Panvelwala, Assoc. AIA plan quarterly tours of building under construction for associates to gain CE hours toward […]
Presentation on Capitol Annex Project
The Chapter welcomes David H. Hart, FAIA, Executive Vice President of MOCA, for an informative presentation about the upcoming Capitol Annex Replacement project including: the new visitor/welcoming center, new annex […]
Kudos to Arturo Levenfeld, AIA: 10 Years of Architecture Matters
By Genevieve Vargas, AIA 2019 Chapter President One of the “perks” of being Chapter President is the opportunity to thank members who have quietly stepped up to serve over long […]