Form a team of 5 from your firm and join-in this fun and competitive mixer, organized by AIACV's Allied Members and Emerging Professionals!This event has been postponed due to low […] 503900
Join us on April 10, 2024, for COTE Talk, Tour & Tacos: Let's shape a sustainable future with LPA!Don't miss this opportunity to socialize, learn and earn 1 AIA LU […]
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 882 7119 9025
Join hosts Kris Barkley, AIA, Elizabeth Hawks McBride, AIA, Sugra Panvelwala, AIA, Mark Roddy, FAIA, and Saxon Sigerson, AIA.Join hosts Kris Barkley, AIA, Elizabeth Hawks McBride, AIA, Sugra Panvelwala, AIA, Mark Roddy, FAIA, and Saxon Sigerson, AIA for another edition of Arch Matters. Our evening of discussion will be centered around the work of architect […] 503900
Come discuss upcoming CAE projects and enjoy lunch with colleagues. 503900