By Genevieve Vargas, AIA
2019 Chapter President
One of the “perks” of being Chapter President is the opportunity to thank members who have quietly stepped up to serve over long periods of time. Arturo Levenfeld, AIA is one of those members.
Arturo was part of the original team that created the Architecture Matters Design Forum 10 years ago. Saxon Sigerson, Kris Barkley and Arturo started this much-loved program that is still continuing strong today. He has decided after many years of participating in the program, helping determine and research topics, find presenters and attending the events that it is time to pass on the torch.
Arturo and I worked closely together on the South Placer Superior Courthouse and the Santucci Justice Center Master Plan together while at Dreyfuss & Blackford Architects. It was a great learning experience and helped develop and shape my career path. He has been a vital part of the Architectural Matters Forum and will be missed. Hopefully he will come back as an audience member often.
Fortunately for us, Amanda Green, AIA is continuing Arturo’s good work on this program. Arturo, on behalf of all the AIACV members who have enjoyed Architecture Matters, thank you for your service!