By Ida Antoniolli Clair, AIA
It’s been quite a whirlwind year since we launched our “Here for You!” initiative to bring the AIA Central Valley experience to offices and new venues of interest. Through this program we reduced the impact on AIACV financial resources, and aimed to improve engagement with our members and demonstrate to members and potential members the value of the AIA. While the pandemic did require us to alter some in-person engagement, we were able to successfully navigate many in-person programs through the AIACV “Here for You!” model:
- We visited with members and students at CSU Chico, where they showed us their great work, making good on a commitment to extend outreach and programming to outlying members
- We had a phenomenal Celebration of the Profession and welcomed new architects into the fold
- We had a successful hybrid Experience Architecture event with re-imagined programming
- We returned to in-person Board meetings at member offices
- We had a fun election “travelogue” meeting where we traveled the world through the experiences of members sharing their travel adventures
As I wrap up my year as President of the chapter, I exit pleased with what we’ve accomplished together. The chapter is in good financial health, we’ve advanced many initiatives associated with our Strategic Plan despite a pandemic, and we’ve made our presence known through our advocacy with state and local government agencies, alliances with industry partners, and support of local groups advancing architectural education. A big thank you to Kim and Jacy, the Board, committee leaders and our volunteers who weathered continued uncertain times, persisted, and prevailed to bring AIACV programming to the members and the public.
And yet, more work remains! A new year reminds us to renew our commitment to the chapter:
- Renew your membership.
- Offer your space for an event or board meeting.
- Volunteer for a committee.
- Participate in a call-to-action to advocate for the profession.
- Attend an event (or two, or three…..)
As you renew your membership, renew the commitment you made to yourself to engage and participate more in the events that feed your architectural soul. Remember……
“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
― Gandhi
By engaging with the chapter, you will discover once again why the AIA has value, and why the AIA values you! Thank you for the honor of serving as your President. Cheers to a fantastic 2023!