By Laura Knauss, AIA
On January 12th, a group of our local leaders, including members of the AIA Central Valley Board of Directors, Past Presidents of the Chapter, and committee representatives convened to discuss our goals and priorities for 2023. We celebrated our ability to hold an in-person “retreat,” recognizing just how much we’ve missed networking with our colleagues…the fellowship was outstanding. A big thank you to One Workplace’s Kristi Rolak, Allied AIACV, a member of our 2023 board, for hosting us!
Chris Holt, AIA, who led the 2020-2025 strategic plan, updated the group on the progress the Chapter has made on many of the plan’s initiatives, much of that progress occurring despite the effects of the pandemic – we pivoted, we adapted, we learned. We discussed priorities, specifically focused on the value of the AIA, and AIACV specifically, to each of us as individual members. And we held breakout sessions to discuss our broad list of committees and events, increasing and promoting membership as well as defining the culture of the AIA CV.
The needs of our members are paramount – to thrive, we need to ensure that members find value in the efforts of the AIA: our activities, educational opportunities, advocacy, and of course, fellowship. And we need members to become actively involved in the events that are most relevant to them. We plan to do more outreach to our members and member firms to encourage engagement and ask directly the “value” question. In keeping with the AIACV Here for You Initiative, our Board of Directors is holding its in-person meetings at firms throughout our demographic region to be more visible to our membership and to share the good programming that is occurring in the Chapter that is readily available to you.
As you engage in Chapter events – whether you are a regular participant or a newbie – we hope that you will find the value that you are looking for and share your experiences. We encourage you to “bring a friend” so that they can experience all that the AIA CV has to offer, and we will extend non-member pricing for your guest.
Follow us on social media and through our monthly NOTES online newsletter for more information on upcoming events. I look forward to working on your behalf this year as your President. I welcome your feedback and your support.
Thank you –
Laura Knauss, AIA
Principal | Lionakis