The Chapter’s Civic Engagement Team (CET) are shining a spotlight, and building a repository of profiles, that celebrate the dedicated AIA Central Valley members who positively influence the profession and their communities through advocacy and volunteerism. Kudos to these individuals for creating “inspiration through action.” We hope they will inspire YOU to serve!
Do you know of an AIA member worthy of recognition? Please contact the CET via the Chapter office: [email protected].

Division of State Architect (Retired)
How does your career trajectory include service to society and the profession, and what sustains your continued engagement?
After leaving Cal Poly SLO I began working for Zelma Wilson, AIA, Architect. She encouraged me to be involved with the community. I began as a member of the City of Ojai Parks and Recreation Commission. After a year I moved up to the planning commission, serving eight years before running for a city council seat where my architecture background was a positive aspect of my service. After three years on the council I applied for and was appointed as executive director of the California Building Standards serving eleven before moving to DSA to be executive director of the State Historical Building Safety Board where I led the effort to integrate the state Historical building into the format of the UBC. I was then appointed to Principal Architect for code and policy at DSA headquarters.
Is there a specific incident/example/time that you felt your contributions made an impact and/or when your skills as an architect made a difference?
Ojai became the second city in the state to develop a growth management ordinance, after Petaluma. My experience in the architectural profession allowed me to help guide the effort to adopt the plan.
Was there a specific person who “nudged” you to become involved?
I credit Zelma Wilson with planting the seed of community involvement. She served on the planning commission prior to my appointment. She and the firm were respected contributors to the betterment of the city. I followed her lead in civic (city) engagement.